Drug knowledge popularization:Efficacy and function of AMODIAQUINE

What is amodiaquine

Amodiaquine is a class of synthetic 4-aminoquinoline antimalarials. The antimalarial effect is similar to that of chloroquine, acting on Plasmodium in the red blood cell stage, and can quickly control clinical symptoms. This product can penetrate infected red blood cells and prevent the malaria parasite from polymerizing hemoglobin into an insoluble substance called malarin, causing the malaria parasite to die. This product is also effective against chloroquine-resistant malaria parasites.

What is amodiaquine used for?
For the treatment of acute (febrile) malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum (chloroquine-sensitive or resistant strains). The drug is also effective in treating vivax malaria and malaria infection.

Know Before Medication

When is amodiaquine contraindicated

Those who are allergic to the active ingredients or any excipients of this product.

Patients with a history of liver injury caused by amodiaquine treatment.

Those with a history of hematological adverse reactions caused by amodiaquine treatment.

History of retinal disease (such as repeated drug use).

Artesunate amodiaquine tablets are prohibited in areas where amodiaquine resistance appears.

Under what circumstances should amodiaquine be used cautiously or avoided

Caution should be exercised when using Artesunate Amodiaquine Tablets in combination with drugs that inhibit, reduce or compete with CYP2C8.

Amodiaquine and some medicines can interact and affect each other. If you are using other medicines, be sure to inform your doctor before using amodiaquine, and ask your doctor if you can take the medicine and how to take it.

Drugs have adverse reactions. But don’t refuse medication for fear of adverse reactions. You can carefully read the drug instructions or consult a doctor to understand the adverse drug reactions of amodiaquine, and make certain psychological preparations.


What are the possible side effects of amodiaquine
Adverse reactions to amodiaquine include:

Common adverse reactions are loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, general weakness, lethargy, insomnia, and coughing. Serious adverse reactions were general weakness, anemia and dizziness.

The following adverse reactions are more common with high-dose and/or prolonged treatment with amodiaquine:

Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders Leukemia and neutropenia (agranulocytopenia).

Nervous System Disorders Occasionally, neuromyopathy.

Eye function abnormalities come in various forms and in varying degrees of severity, such as transient dysregulation, reversible corneal opacity, etc., which can be recovered after treatment is terminated; irreversible retinopathy is rare, but once it occurs, it needs to be diagnosed and treated by a professional ophthalmologist.

Abnormalities of the hepatobiliary system Severe hepatitis, sometimes fatal.

Abnormal hyperpigmentation of skin and subcutaneous tissue, prominent on fingers and mucous membranes.

For other adverse reactions, please read the drug instructions carefully.

Post time: Jan-16-2023