Drug knowledge popularization:Efficacy and function of Artemisinin

1. Anti-tumor

Artemisinin, after being activated, its specificity is formed, it will generate a certain amount of oxygen free radicals, and this type of oxygen free radicals is aimed at the body, it can destroy the body structure of some dengue fever larvae, and is aimed at treating Some dengue fever diseases or some tumors have a better resistance effect, and it also has a certain inhibitory effect on many cancers, such as breast cancer or colorectal cancer.

2. Enhance immunity

Artemisinin has a better effect on improving the body’s immunity. Because artemisinin can help the body to inhibit the division of some cells, it has a better effect on the body’s resistance and ability to resist bacteria and viruses. The effect of artemisinin, and if some immune diseases occur by itself, artemisinin is also a certain therapeutic effect.

In fact, there are many functions and functions of artemisinin. Not only is it often used to resist tumors and treat dengue fever and other diseases, but it is also very effective in enhancing the body’s immune function. Apart from these, if it is used in daily life Among them, he can be more effectively used, and it is also more effective for human health.

Post time: Jan-06-2023