The lower the heart rate, the better? Too low is not normal

Source: 100 medical network

The heart can be said to be the “model worker” in our human organs. This fist sized powerful “pump” works all the time, and a person can beat more than 2 billion times in his life. Athletes’ heart rate will be slower than ordinary people, so the saying “the lower the heart rate, the stronger the heart, and the more energetic” will spread slowly. So, is it true that the slower the heart rate, the healthier it is? What is the ideal heart rate range? Today, Wang Fang, chief physician of Cardiology Department of Beijing hospital, will tell you what is a healthy heart rate and teach you the correct method of self pulse measurement.

Heart rate the ideal heart rate value is shown her

I don’t know if you have ever had such an experience: your heartbeat suddenly speeds up or slows down, such as missing a beat in beating, or stepping on the soles of your feet. You can’t predict what will happen in the next second, which makes people feel overwhelmed.

Aunt Zheng described this in the clinic and admitted that she was very uncomfortable. Sometimes this feeling is only a few seconds, sometimes it lasts a little longer. After careful examination, I determined that this phenomenon belongs to “palpitation” and abnormal heart rhythm. Aunt Zheng is also worried about the heart itself. We arranged for further inspection and finally ruled it out. It’s probably seasonal, but recently there’s trouble at home and I don’t have a good rest.

But aunt Zheng still had lingering palpitations: “doctor, how to judge abnormal heart rate?”

Before talking about heart rate, I’d like to introduce another concept, “heart rate”. Many people confuse heart rate with heart rate. Rhythm refers to the rhythm of heart beat, including rhythm and regularity, in which rhythm is “heart rate”. Therefore, the doctor said that the patient’s heart rate is abnormal, which may be abnormal heart rate, or the heart rate is not neat and uniform enough.

Heart rate refers to the number of heart beats per minute of a healthy person in a quiet state (also known as “quiet heart rate”). Traditionally, the normal heart rate is 60-100 beats / min, and now 50-80 beats / min is more ideal.

To master heart rate, first learn “self-test pulse”

However, there are individual differences in heart rate due to age, gender and physiological factors. For example, children’s metabolism is relatively fast, and their heart rate will be relatively high, which can reach 120-140 times per minute. As the child grows up day by day, the heart rate will gradually stabilize. Under normal circumstances, the heart rate of women is higher than that of men. When the physical function of the elderly decreases, the heart rate will also slow down, generally 55-75 beats / min. Of course, when ordinary people are exercising, excited and angry, their heart rate will naturally increase a lot.

Pulse and heart rate are essentially two different concepts, so you can’t draw an equal sign directly. But under normal circumstances, the rhythm of the pulse is consistent with the number of heartbeats. Therefore, you can check your pulse to know your heart rate. The specific operations are as follows:

Sit in a certain position, put one arm in a comfortable position, extend your wrists and palm up. With the other hand, place the fingertips of the index finger, middle finger and ring finger on the surface of the radial artery. The pressure should be clear enough to touch the pulse. Typically, the pulse rate is measured for 30 seconds and then multiplied by 2. If the self-test pulse is irregular, measure for 1 minute. In a calm state, if the pulse exceeds 100 beats / min, it is called tachycardia; The pulse is less than 60 beats / min, which belongs to bradycardia.

It is worth noting that in some special cases, the pulse and heart rate are not equal. For example, in patients with atrial fibrillation, the self-measured pulse is 100 beats per minute, but the actual heart rate is as high as 130 beats per minute. For example, in patients with premature beats, the self-test pulse is often difficult to identify, which will make patients mistakenly think that their heart rate is normal.

With a “strong heart”, you need to improve your living habits

Too fast or too slow heart rate is “abnormal”, which should be paid attention to and may be related to some diseases. For example, ventricular hypertrophy and hyperthyroidism will lead to tachycardia, and atrioventricular block, cerebral infarction and abnormal thyroid function will lead to tachycardia.

If the heart rate is abnormal due to the exact disease, take medicine according to the doctor’s advice on the premise of clear diagnosis, which can restore the heart rate to normal and protect our heart.

For another example, because our professional athletes have well-trained heart function and high efficiency, they can meet the needs of less pumping blood, so most of their heart rate is slow (usually less than 50 beats / minute). This is a good thing!

Therefore, I always encourage you to take part in moderate physical exercise to make our heart healthier. For example, 30-60 minutes three times a week. The appropriate exercise heart rate is now “170 age”, but this standard is not suitable for everyone. It is best to determine it according to the aerobic heart rate measured by cardiopulmonary endurance.

At the same time, we should actively correct unhealthy lifestyles. For example, quit smoking, limit alcohol, stay up less late, and maintain an appropriate weight; Peace of mind, emotional stability, not excited. If necessary, you can help yourself restore calm by listening to music and meditation. All of these can promote a healthy heart rate. Text / Wang Fang (Beijing hospital)

Post time: Dec-30-2021